Sunday, October 3, 2010

Left vs. Right Brain

After taking the Hemispheric Dominance Inventory Test my results showed that I use the left side of the brain a lot more then I use the right side. From the eighteen questions I answered all eighteen of them were as the left-brain and after reading the article that seems to be to an advantage in the classroom.

For the most part I think the results were accurate. Using the left side of the brain means that I dominantly use linear, sequential, symbolic, logical, verbal, reality-based processing. Linear processing means that there is a direct logical succession between thoughts, it used the example of a person who thinks with the left side of their brain not having to need to know why they need to learn a specific topic and being able to make it logically fit. Sequential processing is exactly was it is called, processing information in order from the beginning until the end. An example of this would be to make lists that are then checked off and have daily planning, this is absolutely me; I would be lost without my checklists and my planner. Symbolic processing is using pictures, mathematical symbols, words, and letters, it’s opposite would be concrete processing which is understanding through seeing and examples. I feel as though this is where my right brain comes into play because I have never been good at math and I understand more after seeing instances of it. Logical processing is learning through gathering and connecting information in a logical way, the article says that a person that uses this sort of processing should prefer multiple choice and true or false questions which is somewhat accurate because when I really know the information I am being tested on those sort of questions are the easiest to answer, but if I am shaky on the subject matter I find that I use intuition to try and solve the questions which calls on the right side of the brain and intuitive processing. Verbal processing is using words rather then drawings or hand gestures to understand or get a point known. Personally I feel as though I use more nonverbal processing because I often will draw a map for people who need directions and I move my hands a lot when I talk. Finally the left side of the brain uses reality-based processing which focuses on policies and conventions. I definitely see how my left brain controls this area because I feel as though I follow the norms of society very strictly and try to always stay as close to what is expected of me as I possibly can.

So though my results showed a hundred percent usage of the left side of the brain, knowing my self I would have to disagree. Using both sides of the brain makes a person more balanced and I believe would help for them to be process even more information.

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